soldering and brazing
工业炉砌体 brickwork of industrial furnace
工业炉排烟系统 fume dischange system for industrial furnace
preheater for industrial furnace
工业炉燃烧装置 combustion device for industrial furnace
井式炉 vertical pit furnace
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手工电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding
水下切割 underwater cutting
水下焊 underwater welding
水压机 hydraulic forging press
flame hardening
可控气氛 controlled atmosphere
可锻铸铁 malleable cast iron
台车式炉 car-bottom type furnace
平锻机 horizontal forging and upsetting machine
再生砂 reclaimed sand
回火 tempering
成形轧制 forming rolling
自由锻 open die forging
低压铸造 low-pressure casting
冷压焊 cold pressure welding
cold upsetting
形变热处理 thermomechanical treatment
冲天炉 cupola
拉深 deep drawing
拋丸机 shot blasting machine
泥型铸造 clay mold casting
芯砂 core sand
芯盒 core box
surface alloying
金属型铸造 permanent mold casting
金属清理 metal cleaning
金属喷涂 metal spraying
heating method for metal heat treatment
金属热处理质量控制 quality control for metal heat treatment
冒口 riser
型砂 molding sand
型砂黏结剂 molding sand binder
室式炉 chamber furnace
砂型乾燥炉 mold dring oven
sand mold casting
负压铸造 v-process
埋弧焊 submerged arc welding
径向锻造 radial forging
气焊 gas welding
气割 gas cutting
气体保护电弧焊 gas shielded arc welding
真空热处理 vacuum heat treatment
真空炉 vacuum furnace
高能率成形 high energy-rate forming
高速锤锻造 high energy-rate forging
高频焊 high-frequency welding
堆焊 surfacing
旋压 spining
旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding
sand mixer
淬冷介质 quenching media
焊接安全与卫生 health and safety in welding
焊接设备 welding equipment
焊接结构 welded structure
焊接质量 welding quality焊丝 welding wire
焊剂 welding flux
球墨铸铁 nodular cast iron
连续式炉 continuous furnace
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造芯机 core-making machine
造型机 molding machine
陶瓷型铸造 ceramic mold casting
壳型铸造 shell mold casting
无机覆层 inorganic coatings
等离子弧切割 plasma arc cutting
等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding
胀形 bulging
超塑成形 superplastic forming
超声波焊 ultrasonic welding
塑性变形 plastic deformation
涂装 paint coating
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感应炉 induction furnace
落砂机 shakeout machine
电子束焊 electron beam welding
电化学保护 electrochemical protection
电弧切割 arc cutting
电弧炉 arc furnace
电阻焊 resistance welding
电阻炉 resistance furnace
电渣焊 electroslag welding
电镀 electroplating
实型铸造 full mold casting
渗金属 diffusion metallizing
渗氮 nitriding
渗碳 carburizing
熔模铸造 investment casting
摩擦焊 friction welding
暂时性防护 temporary protection
模具 die and mould
模样 pattern
浇注系统 gating system
冲裁 blanking
调质 quenching and tempering
辊锻 rolling forging
铝的阳极氧化 anodizing of aluminium
铝热焊 thermit welding
机械压力机 mechanical press
激光切割 laser beam cutting
激光焊 laser beam welding
钢铁显微组织 microstructure of iron and steel
压力铸造 high pressure die casting
挤压 extrusion
磷化与铬酸盐化 phosphating and chromating
螺旋压力机 screw press
辗扩 ring rolling
锻坯下料 gropping of forging billet
锻坯少无氧化加热 scale-free heating for forging billet
锻造操作机 forging manipulator
锻锤 hamme
扩散焊 diffusion welding
离心铸造 centrifugal casting
爆炸焊 explosion welding
弯曲 bending
铸件后处理 post-treatment of casting
铸件清理 cleaning of casting
铸造有色合金 cast non-ferrous alloy
铸造砂 foundry sand
铸造焦炭 foundry coke
铸钢 cast steel
盐浴炉 salt-bath furnace
焊接应力和变形 welding stress and distortion
焊条 covered electrode
- 上一篇:ls(lg)plc在锻压热处理系统中的应用
- 下一篇:环保型热处理技术的最新发展